What is the impact of social media on our self-esteem?

There is no denying the social media has taken over the world!
Between TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and now Threads, there is an influence on us regardless of whether we even have the platforms.

There are so many incredible opportunities that now arise because of the wonders of social media:
- Small business creation, promotion and networking
- Connecting with loved ones
- Keeping in contact with people around the world
- Inspiration for anything from outfits, books, movies, holiday destinations or cafes
- Workout inspiration
- Outlet for creative expression
- Motivational quotes, affirmations and content
- Or my personal fave… recipes!

On the other hand, there is also the negative side of it all on our self-esteem.
(Keep in mind these are obviously a ‘can-do’ scenario not a ‘will-happen’ vibe)
- decreased overall self-esteem
- increased comparison and judgement of looks, lifestyle, financial positions, achievements, bodies and appearance
- increased bullying and harassment
- decreased face-to-face and meaningful connections
- increased need for external validation

It is up to us to take ownership of what we are consuming.
What our feed is looking like.
What information we are taking in.
Below are 5 ways you can make your social media a better and more positive experience for yourself.


Curate your feed to make it a positive place
- Only follow people or pages who make you feel positive and uplifted
- Unfollow every page or person who triggers you, makes you feel ick, are negative or just aren't your vibe
- Be relentless and unapologetic in this process (I literally unfollowed friends I love because I was comparing myself to them and everything they had)
Turn up the positives on your feed:
- As mentioned, there are so many positives that come from social media, you sometimes just need to seek them out!
- Find and take advantage of these positives!
- The more you look at the 'good' stuff, the more the algorithm will prioritise this in your feed.
Post for you (and only you!)
- Post for you and because you want to share your tasty breakfast, cute child or amazing weekend.
- Avoid posting content for likes, comments or validation (remember these metrics do not define your worth!)
Manage your social media use
- Avoid sitting on it and scrolling while you could be doing something beneficial
- Limit the time spent on it when you have low self-esteem, it is likely going to make it worse!
Remember it is a highlight reel for everyone
- It is becoming a more vulnerable platform however people still only post what they want the world to see
- Everyone seems to like ‘flawless’ lives, people are doing things ‘for the ‘gram’ and we buy into it which exacerbates it

Social media isn’t going anywhere anytime soon so we may as well make the most of it!

By understanding the illusions created by social media, avoiding comparison traps, seeking validation from within, and nurturing digital well-being, we can navigate the digital landscape with a healthier sense of self-worth. Remember, your self-esteem should not be dictated by virtual likes or the opinions of strangers, but rather by your own appreciation of your unique qualities and contributions to the world.


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