A Guide to Student Health and Wellbeing

It is easy to say that high school is an exciting yet challenging time in a student's life.
Between juggling academics, extracurricular activities and social life along with the challenges and adventures of friendships, body changes, self-esteem changes and puberty, no wonder students can feel overwhelmed!

An important aspect to thriving during these years is prioritising health and wellbeing.
Throughout this blog, we look at 10 key areas of health and wellbeing that can have the most profound impact on creating a happier and healthier high school life.

  1. Balanced Nutrition and Hydration

    • Maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated will help brain power, energy levels, physical health and so much more.

    • Plan recess and lunches in advanced, find foods you actually enjoy, eat a variety of different foods and be intention with your diet.

    • Ensure you are eating a balanced diet for health and respect for your body rather than external reasons.

  2. Exercise

    • Regular physical activity is great not just for physical health, but also mental wellbeing.

    • This might be a morning walk with a friend, an online yoga session, joining a local or social sports team or finding a gym class/routine that you love.

    • Aim for at least 30 minutes per day.

  3. Emotional Regulation

    • Recognise your triggers for stress, anxiety and overwhelm.
      (there are normally a commonality between high school students - workload, friendship issues, self-esteem challenges, hormones)

    • Mindfulness practices will help prior to stress and allow you to feel more regulated on a day-to-day basis.

    • Emotional regulation coping strategies will be beneficial during times of stress.

  4. Sleep

    • Sleep is going to be a game-changer in helping you stay focused, give you energy and help with the abovementioned emotional regulation.

    • Establishing an evening routine, keeping off your phone close to bedtime and setting a regular bedtime will all help establish healthy sleep habits and improve your sleep quality.

  5. Work-Life Balance:

    • Balancing school, homework, extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, social life, you time AND health all can take a toll.

    • Find a schedule that works for you and spend time planning your week to know what is coming and avoid unnecessary overwhelm trying to fit 839257829 things in.

    • Set boundaries of time for each area of your life and be brave in sticking to them.
      (reduce work hours, speak to teachers about workload, say no to catch ups if you need some downtime, put yourself first)

  6. Social Connections

    • Social life is obviously a huge part of high school! There is a direct link between positive social connections and mental wellbeing.

    • Ensure your social connections and relationships are healthy.
      (you receive support from them, you feel comfortable being your authentic self around them, you never feel pressured by them, they bring positivity and love to your life)

  7. Technology

    • Technology has and will continue to take over the world which can be incredibly positive however proceed with caution!

    • Excessive technology or use in an incorrect way can be detrimental to your self-esteem, mental health, sleep, physical health or relationships.

    • Limit technology prior to bed, use it resourcefully, be aware when you are being ‘consumed’, ensure you are in control of what you take in, set boundaries around usage.

  8. Self-Care

    • Prioritising self-care is great for every aspect of your health and wellbeing - everything from building a connection with yourself to keeping emotionally regulated.

    • Establish a morning or evening routine, one hour alone time each day, mindfulness practices, face mask and bath, do something creative or read a book.

    • Aim for at least one self-care activity per day.

  9. Seeking Support

    • Reach out to teachers, trusted adults or loved ones if you are struggling with your health or wellbeing.

    • There are a multitude of resources available to help with any challenges that arise.

    • Often speaking out helps others who might be in your position too.

  10. Setting Realistic Goals

    • Set achievable goals for your health and wellbeing

High school is not just about academic success; it's also about nurturing your physical and mental health.
Prioritising your health and wellbeing can set a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling life.

Remember that it's never too early to start taking care of yourself and the habits you develop now will benefit you well beyond high school.

We would love to help create routines or habits to help you so always feel free to reach out to us for any support or advice you might need.


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